A friend asked me the other day how to increase his bench, “I hit a plateau on bench, what do I change?” Here’s 3 tips to increase your bench press.
1. Overload – Use bands, chains, lockouts, and floor presses to use heavier weight than you normally use. Your body will adapt to the stress you put on it. Make sure you have a good spotter, and explain what you’re trying to do.
2. Check your form. Your feet should be planted firmly on the floor, your traps should be tucked tight, and your butt should be lightly touching the bench. Use leg drive and push through your HEELS to initiate the press. If your back starts to cramp up, your form is good. Seriously.

3. EAT – You need to eat more. For the next 2 weeks double your portion sizes, add an extra meal, drink a weight gainer shake. Eat on a schedule. Whatever you need to do to gain weight. Remember that a huge part of training comes from what you do in the kitchen.
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